Saturday, November 2, 2013

Friday Night Entertainment

I like to put a little humor into what I write. So where do I get my inspiration? My children, of course. For those of you that have kids, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Those little moments that make you laugh so hard, you might pee your pants. For those of you without children, here's an example of why my kids inject so much humorous inspiration into my life:

The Meredith family is sitting at the table for dinner. The six-year-old daughter gets up to use the bathroom but quickly returns.
Aubree: "I went to go to the bathroom but there was a giant turd in the toilet!"
 The rest of the members of the family burst into hysterical laughter.
Me: Laughing and trying not to choke. "Well, did you flush it?"
Aubree: With an indignant look on her face. "No! It wasn't my turd!"
More laughter ensues while nine-year-old son tries to escape, unnoticed, from the table, blushing deeply.

Maybe I should be writing comedy instead of romance? I'd have a full-size novel of hilarious things my kids have said and done. :)

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